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To obtain a voucher, please call between 9am and 9pm
APLCTN / LCHS: 865-408-8836 (call/text) or Mille: 860-326-0676 (call)
or Email: [email protected]
  • It is important that you have a functioning voice mail on your phone (and please respond).
  • We know life happens, but you NEED to let us know as soon as possible so we can give your slot to someone else who needs out help for their pet.  PLEASE notify us and NOT Loudon County Animal Shelter.
  • Advocates for Pets of Loudon County is here to help! Above is our clickable Informational flyer with all of the information you need to obtain a voucher.  This is NOT a voucher and you must speak to us so we can contact the Clinic with your information.